Black Limba veneer
Above you see an example of Black Limba veneer. If you are interested in this specie, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Email: info@wood-veneer.euPhone: +49-4101-85850
Characteristics of Black Limba veneer
Latin name:
Terminalia superba; Fam. Combretaceae
Other names:
Fracé, Kojagei, Ofram, Afara, Akom, N´Ganga, Korina
depending on its diameter Limba trees develope also black variations, so called „Black Limba“, structure rather plain, comparatively lightweight and soft wood, close, straight grain, sometimes wavy and interlocked which creates a beautiful figuring, good workable with all machines, suitable for dying, slicing and rotary cut (steamed or cold)
Wood color:
varying from brown to black with a shade of orange, heartwood developes greyish black streaks
Tropical West-/ Central Africa, Guinea to Angola
furniture production, musical instruments (creates great sound f.e. in guitars)
Video Black Limba veneer
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